patrickmurfin Dec 02, 2010 14:00
monroe doctrine, john quincy adams, theodore roosevelt, mexico, james monroe, france, united states, russia, britain
patrickmurfin Aug 13, 2010 07:21
black history, theodore roosevelt, brownsville texas
patrickmurfin Jul 24, 2010 06:55
rodeo, frontier days, cheyenne, theodore roosevelt, wyoming
patrickmurfin Jul 01, 2010 05:06
william mckinley, san juan hill, black history, theodore roosevelt, cuba, spanish american war, buffalo soldiers
patrickmurfin Feb 26, 2010 05:26
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patrickmurfin Jun 17, 2008 14:13
samuel l. gompers, unity clubs, jenkin lloyd jones, jim crow, francis scott key, grover cleveland, new england, national league, theodore roosevelt, union pacific railroad, united mine workers, mark hanna, vietnam war, pete rose, civil war, new deal, mother jones, socialist party, blues, p.t. barnum, pulitzer prize, william jennings bryan, clarence darrow, grand ol' opry, eugene v. debs, environmentlism, western unitarian conference, franklin roosevelt, john peter altgeld, dashiell hammett, grand army of the republic, universalists, unitarian, minneapolis, gay rights, women's liberation, brown v. board of education, ethiopia